Watch Videos of My BQH Hypnosis Sessions
These are video & audio clips from various online BQH sessions that I've facilitated. All of these session clips have been approved by my clients, to be shared in this way. Please note, that in some cases, longer pauses have been sped up/removed, for ease of listening & personal information has been edited out too. I encourage you to scroll this list & watch the first virtual hypnosis session video that calls to you, trust your first impression.
Past Life as an Elf & Dragon
This is an audio clip from an online past life regression BQH session, where my client remembers a past life as an elf/elf-life being and a past life as a dragon. In this clip, we learn the details of these opposite perspectives. We uncover why my client was shown them, and how they relate to her current lifetime.
Parallel & Past Lives
This is an audio clip from a past life regression BQH hypnosis session, where my client connected with some past lives, as well as parallel lifetimes. In this session, we uncovered guidance about her career path, information about her lineage and galactic origins, plus much more.
Meeting Spirit Guides
This is an audio clip from a BQH hypnosis session, where my client met some of her spirit guides and discussed how she planned her current life. In this excerpt, many of my client's questions are answered about herself, her gifts, her blocks, and more.
A Mermaid Past Life
An audio excerpt from a BQH hypnosis session, where my client remembers a past life as a mermaid, on the planet Mintaka. In this session, we learn about this underwater world, what life is like there with other mermaids, and why this particular experience was shown to my client, plus more.
A Collective Message
This is a video clip of a channeled message for the collective of humanity, that was channeled by my client, in a past life regression BQH hypnosis session.
A Past Life in Egypt
This audio clip is about a past life in Egypt, from a BQH session. In this experience, my client is a humanoid-animal, who travels to desert cities, to helps townspeople improve their ways of life. Find out who accompanies him on his travels and how he helps these people, plus much more!
A Starseed Past Life
A video clip from a past life regression (BQH) session. My client talks about her past life in another universe, as an orb of light/energy being. We learn about her cosmic home, her mission, how she is connected to other souls on Earth that are also from her galactic home, overlapping timelines and lifetimes, plus more!
Past Life in the Gilded Age
This is an audio clip from a BQH hypnosis session, where my client experienced a past life in the Gilded Age. She remembers life as a child, her adult life, falling in love, having a child of her own, and much more.